Sailing Through Challenges: The BOXER-6643-TGU Powers Autonomous Ships
In the vast expanse of the open sea, where harsh conditions and limited installation space pose formidable challenges to smart technology, one government commissioned a project aimed at building and deploying small autonomous ships in the surrounding sea. The proposed autonomous ships were intended for a range of purposes, including seabed mapping, carrying out routine maritime patrols, and to aid in search and rescue operations. With a strong need for a robust and compact computing solution equipped with high processing power, expandable storage, and the ability to seamlessly integrate LIDAR, SONAR, and GPS functions, AAEON's BOXER-6643-TGU proved to be the perfect fit.
Project Requirements
Small, Tough, & Seaworthy
Operating in the unpredictable marine environment, the customer required a computer that could withstand harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures and high levels of humidity. Additionally, space on board the autonomous ship was at a premium, meaning that any proposed solution needed to be compact.
Fishing for Data
Given the complex task execution needed in order to achieve the ship’s operational goals, the customer needed a solution capable of integrating LiDAR and sonar sensors for precise seabed mapping and navigation, as well as being able to integrate GPS function for accurate positioning.
High-Powered Processing on the High Seas
A crucial feature present across all of the ship’s proposed uses was the ability to efficiently compute and process vast quantities of data received from connected peripheral devices. Therefore, the chosen solution needed high-performance processing power and abundant storage capacity.