NanoCOM-SKU Bottom View

COM Express Type 10 with 6th Generation Intel® Core™ U Series Processor.

Traditionally powered by SoCs instead of a full-fledged processor due to the limited area, which measures 84 x 55 mm (equivalent to a business card), the NanoCOM-SKU, the latest entry to the company’s NanoCOM product line, greatly improves on that with an Intel® Core™ i7-6600U CPU, along with a maximum of 4 GB of onboard DDR4 memory while drawing about 18W of power in full loading, a string of feats still unheard of in the embedded community. SKUs with other Core processors and RAM are also available.

With an exceptional level of performance but still retaining the compactness of the form factor, the module is slated to eliminate the bottlenecks and inadequacies commonly found in Atom™ or other equivalent SoC-powered modules when applied on more performance-demanding applications, which include graphics-intensive medical equipment or digital signage, and high-loading robotics and automation controllers used in industrial automation, bringing not only the best in any situation, but also opening new realm for more possibilities.

Optional Accessories

Part Number Description
ECB-920A-A11-0001 COMe Type 6/10.Carrier Board.ATX.2.5GbE.8USB.2COM.4SATA.PCIe.AT/ATX. Rev. A1.1
NanoCOM-SKU-HSP01 Heat Spreader.84 x 55 x 11 mm.Black.
NanoCOM-FAN02 Cooler.84 x 53 x 22.2mm. Use w/HSP
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