嵌入式主機板為為研揚科技的主流產品,研揚的嵌入式主機板包括嵌入式單板電腦,模組化電腦,工業級主機板,插槽式單板電腦與背板。 憑藉不同的外形和平台,研揚生產的嵌入式主機板旨在為工業電腦市場提供最多樣化的功能和性能。
AAEON’s Single Board Computers (SBCs) are encompasses both x86 and ARM-based platforms in a wide range of form factors. From the lightweight SMARC and COM-Express modules to the bigger, more robust EPIC or 3.5” subcompact boards.
AAEON features an exhaustive range of Computer-on-Modules which covers form factors from SMARC to ETX, all of which made to provides a rich array of I/O capabilities to maximize the potential of their carrier boards and facilitate upgrading and customizations. As AAEON’s Computer-on-Modules lineup u ...
AAEON’s Industrial Motherboards line focuses on the most popular: Nano ITX, Mini-ITX, MicroATX and ATX. These form factors are ideal in the KIOSK, POS, Panel PC, Vending Machine, Banking Machine, Medical and Gaming industries. PCI, PCI-E, Mini-Card, M.2 and Mini-PCI bus interfaces are provided. In a ...
研揚RISC板卡提供了可適用在小型空間的嵌入式解決方案,具有設計輕巧,開放原始碼作業系統和低功耗的優點。 研揚RISC板卡搭載Rockchip晶片組,採Arm Cortex的最新技術並具有豐富的I / O擴充功能,可輕鬆整合至任何專案中。